Five things to keep in mind when selecting a camera for filming

It would help to look at several parameters when shortlisting a camera for filming. But to get started, these are the five most essential things you must keep in mind to get started.
Image stabilization
Image stabilization is necessary because it helps hand-hold a camera when shooting videos. Many cameras, especially mirrorless units, come with IBIS or In-Body Image stabilization. This IBIS technology works with image stabilization techniques on some camera lenses and produces an enhanced image stabilization effect. Look for cameras with IBIS and extended image stabilization with such compatible lenses.
Codec support
For uploading to YouTube without much grading and color correction, you would need the option to shoot in H.264. That will reduce the file size and make it possible for you to have much of the control over the compression in your hands rather than leaving it in the hands of YouTube or other social media platforms. Remember though, codecs like H.264 and H.265 are very restricted in editing. So for editing flexibility, you need something like ProRes.
Look for the option to switch lenses
If you’re serious about filming and want to scale your production and swap lenses, look for cameras that offer that option. By that, I mean go for only interchangeable lens cameras. With a fixed-lens camera, you will be restricted by your choice of focal length and depth of field.
Sensor sampling area
If the camera you shoot with doesn’t use the whole sensor width for sampling and only uses a crop of the sensor for shooting high res videos like 4K, you lose out on the field of view. You also lose out on detail. Using the whole sensor width means you can oversample the footage and capture much detail.
Ability to shoot 4K
It’s imperative that the camera you’re looking to shoot with offers you the option to shoot 4K videos. At least UHD 4K if not Cine 4K. this is because 4K is the current standard and will soon become obsolete in a few years. You don’t want your videos to lose out on the race for high resolution, do you? Also, ensure that the frame rate of your videos is at least 24p. That’s if you’re shooting films. If you’re shooting, vlogs should look for a frame rate of 30p. Higher frame rates allow you to take advantage of slow-motion effects that are great for the B-rolls.